National Novel Writing Month
Anul ăsta m-am hotărât să particip la National Novel Writing Month sau NaNoWriMo, pe scurt. Evenimentul e deja internaţional şi îşi propune să te facă să scrii o carte de 50 000 cuvinte de-a lungul întregii luni noiembrie (adică aproximativ 1667 cuvinte pe zi). Nu e vreun concurs, doar un challenge personal, dar prin site ajungi să cunoşti mulţi alţi oameni care se ocupă cu scrisul şi eventual să te şi întâlneşti cu o parte dintre ei, ceea ce eu am făcut şi mi s-a părut foarte fun. Niciodată nu am mai stat de vorbă cu cineva despre scris ca şi cum ar fi cel mai de la sine înţeles lucru din lume, pe care îl faci cu cea mai mare naturaleţe. De obicei, lumea crede că e ceva mai neobişnuit şi ridică din umeri.... Read More | Share it now!
![Fruits Basket [Anime Review]](https://www.maribranze.ro/maribranze/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Fruits.Basket.600.1184173-e1445855782432-150x150.jpg)
Fruits Basket [Anime Review]
Fruits Basket is a show that might certainly sound interesting the moment you check the synopsis. People turning into the Chinese zodiac animals, dark and mysterious secrets surrounding them, cute, clueless main heroine – isn’t that a great premise for a shoujo series? But only as long as it’s executed accordingly.... Read More | Share it now!
![Higurashi: When They Cry [Anime Review]](https://www.maribranze.ro/maribranze/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_2_by_renren4321-e1445855465940-150x150.jpg)
Higurashi: When They Cry [Anime Review]
Higurashi is a really confusing, complex and difficult to explain anime. Some may view it as belonging to the horror or psychological genre; some may find it as a really weird harem series containing crazy, killer lolis; others may consider it a failure since it doesn’t seem to belong to any of the afore-mentioned genres. Considering how much amount Higurashi incorporates, all views are understandable; this certainly isn’t a series that’s easy to comprehend by everyone. Higurashi is a mixture of mystery, blood, humor, romance and especially nice moral stories; but above all – Higurashi should be perceived as a really challenging logic problem.... Read More | Share it now!
![Umineko: When They Cry [Anime Review]](https://www.maribranze.ro/maribranze/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Beatrice.600.62525-150x150.jpg)
Umineko: When They Cry [Anime Review]
A few things before reading this review:
-yes, I am one of those who have played the sound novel before watching the anime;
-no, I will not make this an essay of comparison between the two, nor will I praise the novel over the anime; however, it is inevitable that certain comparisons will indeed appear, in order to explain the flaws of the anime;
-this review might seem a bit unfriendly to someone who has no clue what Umineko is about. In fact, it’s much more addressed to those who have partially or completely watched the anime/read the manga/played the game.... Read More | Share it now!
![The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya [Anime Review]](https://www.maribranze.ro/maribranze/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/TMOHS-150x150.jpg)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya [Anime Review]
2 things before you read this review:... Read More | Share it now!