Nothing and nothingness [Short story]
They had been promised everything.
They had been promised wealth and freedom and love and warmth and nurture and success and eternal youth and eternal glory and a magic gold fish that could fulfill any wishes and absolutely anything else that their mind in its deepest, most unbalanced state could come up with.
They had been promised everything and anything and so, they had been promised nothing.
Yet they held onto that promise with their every breath, every step, every ounce of their strength.
They held onto it and carried on.
Digging. Day and night. Old and young. Men and women. They had all been brought on this planet to dig and to hope.
But there was nothing to hope for.... Read More | Share it now!
The last safe place [Short story]
It was the last safe place on Earth for him.
A brain, an intelligent brain, enclosed in a tiny skull. His head. His head was the safety zone. He kept telling himself that. His brain would never ever betray him. It was his and his alone.
It was his last home, his last sanctuary.... Read More | Share it now!
Nemurirea în pseudocod [Proză scurtă]
În după-amiaza aia, Iavi mă găsi pe spate pe canapea, cu privirea vagă în sus şi inhalând cantităţi imense de opiu.
–Santa Lola, iar ai depresie? Cine ce ţi-a mai făcut? Ce-ai mai păţit iar de ai ajuns în halul ăsta? sări el ca ars şi pe bună dreptate; singura dată când mă văzuse fumând fusese în cadrul deprimării de astă-primăvară.
Şi, până să apuc să-i răspund, îmi aruncă pipa cât colo, încă fumegând –şi el, şi ea... Read More | Share it now!
Centru educativ pentru minori
M-am hotărât să îmi pun proiectele de arhitectură de la facultate pe site.... Read More | Share it now!
Imminent humans [Short story]
“They’re here! They’re here! The humans are here!”... Read More | Share it now!