Dragă carte [Proză scurtă]

Dragă carte [Proză scurtă]

Ştii ceva? Eu am pretenţii de la tine. Nu vreau să fii „o carte”. Vreau să fii „cartea”. Cartea cu care, în primul rând, realizez o conexiune mintală. Cartea pe care am descoperit-o eu prin propria judecată. Nu mi-a fost recomandată, nu era într-o listă de „cărţile cele mai populare”, ci mi-a atras atenţia în mod subliminal, fie prin titlu, fie prin copertă, fie prin însăşi existenţa ei. Cartea al cărei fir narativ nu l-am putut prevede, chiar dacă până la ultima pagină mi-am stors creierul. Cartea pe baza căreia pot specula şi duce mai departe şi alte idei, analogii şi ipoteze. Cartea care începe să fie cu adevărat carte abia după ce o termin de citit şi realizez că trebuie să o reanalizez, recitesc, reinterpretez ca să-mi confirm mie că am înţeles-o. Cartea pe care o pot discuta cu propria conştiinţă. Atunci, şi numai atunci, dragă carte, poţi fi cartea mea.... Read More | Share it now!

Fighting for freedom [Short story]

Fighting for freedom [Short story]

Five years had passed since the Permanent Network Surveillance Law had been voted for; five years in which gradually, about 60% of the users of the internet had abandoned it. First it had come off as a protest – a protest against great corporations trying to amplify their control over mankind. A protest beyond that of simply marching on the street, holding signs asking for justice; a protest of boycotting, of crashing sites of said grand corporations and of refusing their services entirely. But ultimately a protest.... Read More | Share it now!

Reaching out to you [Short story]

Reaching out to you [Short story]

The day I first approached you was an ordinary day in a long row of ordinary days; but then it was this particular encounter that decided in my head that I was a privileged being; for, as a cat, I could connect with people with much more ease than they could do it among themselves.
At least a month had passed since, upon going to bed as a 30 something year-old man, I suddenly and perplexingly woke up as a member of Felis domesticus. That is to say, I woke up in the body of a cat, while still retaining a human consciousness and ability to discern facts. It had taken me quite some time till I had finally coped with seeing the world in greenish blue tints, hearing every little sound wave as is amplified and, most disturbingly, smelling every ounce of odor of organic and non-organic entities. But even so, beyond my enhanced senses, what truly bothered me were my cat instincts; I had to obey them whether willing or not; yet I couldn’t help but rationalize my behavior and feel ashamed of it from a human perspective.... Read More | Share it now!

Nothing and nothingness [Short story]

Nothing and nothingness [Short story]

They had been promised everything.
They had been promised wealth and freedom and love and warmth and nurture and success and eternal youth and eternal glory and a magic gold fish that could fulfill any wishes and absolutely anything else that their mind in its deepest, most unbalanced state could come up with.
They had been promised everything and anything and so, they had been promised nothing.
Yet they held onto that promise with their every breath, every step, every ounce of their strength.
They held onto it and carried on.
Digging. Day and night. Old and young. Men and women. They had all been brought on this planet to dig and to hope.
But there was nothing to hope for.... Read More | Share it now!

The last safe place [Short story]

The last safe place [Short story]

It was the last safe place on Earth for him.
A brain, an intelligent brain, enclosed in a tiny skull. His head. His head was the safety zone. He kept telling himself that. His brain would never ever betray him. It was his and his alone.
It was his last home, his last sanctuary.... Read More | Share it now!

Imminent humans [Short story]

Imminent humans [Short story]

“They’re here! They’re here! The humans are here!”... Read More | Share it now!

Essay for Shakespeare's Day [Short story]

Essay for Shakespeare’s Day [Short story]

This was an essay I wrote for the Shakespeare’s Day essay contest, which was held for the first time in our town (which has nothing to do with Shakespeare or any British literature whatsoever), spring 2011. I managed to get…

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